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About Us 公司簡介

The first issue of Global Chinese Times was published in July 1991. It is a free weekly newspaper and is distributed throughout the New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia area. The newspaper enjoys a wide readership with a current total circulation of 25,000 copies. They are distributed to locations where most Chinese visit, such as supermarkets, institutes, stores, banks, medical clinics, cafes, restaurants, etc. We have offices located in Flushing, New York and Edison, New Jersey. They are conveniently located to serve our readers and advertisers.

Our readers are Chinese. Our newspaper serves as a media for them to better understand this land and its opportunities. We provide our readers with the most current local, national news and news from our homeland. We also report the most up-to-date information regarding immigration laws, educational opportunities, finance, medical, real estate, entertainment and consumer goods. We are proud to have received high reviews from our readers and advertisers. We have an in-house professional Graphic Art Department to design creative advertisements for our customers.

On our 17th year anniversary, we created the website to better serve our readers and customers. All classifies ads on our newspaper are posted on our website for free. Our commercial advertisers' company information are also available on our website. To better serve our readers, we also post current local events and activities in the NY, NJ and PA areas. We welcome and thank you for browsing our website.

We are convinced that this newspaper is the most effective media for promoting your services and products to the Chinese Community. We strongly believe that it will prove to be beneficial to you and your company.

To contact us, please send an E-mail to or call (732) 650-9888 attn. Editor.



最近幾年本報除維持和加強許多特色專欄如“不吐不快”、“天南地北”、“冰子隨筆”、“范琦勇專欄”、“Nance Wang專欄”外,還新設了“司徒百良律師專欄”、“郭輝醫師專欄”、“段昌敏醫生專欄”、“沈麗靜醫生專欄”、“謝會計師專欄” “王以鈞理財專欄”、等。並大量發表本報讀者、作者的稿件,力求儘量減少從網上摘錄文章,辦出本報自己的特色,故深受大家歡迎,紛紛稱讚本報的版面清楚,文章新鮮,不愧為新州、紐約地區地方報紙的佼佼者。



本報廣告業務近來蒸蒸日上,不少上市公司如:Comcast、Verizon、iTalkBB、、EVA Air等也紛紛在本報刊登廣告。


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